Στο πάρτυ εκτός από τους ποδοσφαιριστές του Αρη, όπως ο Λούκα Σάσα βρέθηκαν και ο Μικαελ Ενινγκ μαζί με τον άμεσο συνεργάτη του Τολη Τερζή.
Ενώ το παρών έδωσε και ο πρώην άσος της εθνικής αλλά και τεχνικός διευθυντής των Κίτρινων Άγγελος Χαριστεας.

If you're trying to burn fat then you certainly have to start following this totally brand new personalized keto diet.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήTo design this service, certified nutritionists, fitness couches, and chefs have joined together to develop keto meal plans that are useful, suitable, price-efficient, and delightful.
Since their first launch in early 2019, 1000's of people have already transformed their figure and health with the benefits a professional keto diet can offer.
Speaking of benefits; clicking this link, you'll discover 8 scientifically-tested ones offered by the keto diet.